La Grange de Papy - Holiday home in Vallon Pont d'Arc
+33 (0)7 63 75 63 06WIFIApple TVHeated pool

What to see and do

Home/What to see and do

Near La Grange de Papy

On the way into the village of Vallon Pont d’Arc and 5 minutes by car from the Ardèche river gorges, a site listed as part of the World Heritage by UNESCO, the Grange de Papy is an ideal base from which to explore southern Ardèche.

River swimming, thrilling sports, cultural visits, exploration of the Ardèche… Make the most of all the opportunities for fun near your holiday home!

Ardèche river gorges
Southern Ardèche
Canoeing in Ardèche

Outdoor activities

Canoeing in the Gorges de l’Ardèche

Enjoy 5% off your canoe trip!

With your rental at La Grange de Papy, you benefit from our partner offer.
Ask us for the PROMO CODE then book your descent by clicking here.